La description

Zero crossing relay with antiparallel double SCR output is the most used solid state relay in industrial applications. In fact, it can be used for resistive, inductive and capacity loads. Zero crossing relay is energised when voltage meets the zero point and disenergised when current meets the zero point, depending on the signal control on the input circuit. This relay has been designed to stand high-value transitory applications. When the relay has to stand high currents for a long period, it is necessary to grant a proper dissipation and an adequate electrical connection between relay terminals and the load. Heatsinks, plug-in connectors, varistors, fuses, thermostats and fans, adhesive dissipating strips, are available as fittings.
Zero-voltage switching. Current range:15A to 90A
  • Alternating current solid state relay
  • Zero crossing switching
  • Copper/semiconductor coupling technology
  • 10, 25, 50, and 90 Arms nominal current
  • Non-repetitive voltage: up to 1600Vp
  • Nominal Voltage: up to 600VCAms
  • Control voltage : 3...32Vcc and 20...260Vac/Vcc with connector
  • Isolation (input-output) 4000Vrms
  • Red LED drive active signal
  • Internal MOV (option)